
School Performance Information

The last published data for Primary Schools in England is from 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic. This data is shown in the table below.

Schools do not have to publish data from Covid-19 affected years, however, we have continued to record exceptionally high scores, despite all the disruption caused by the pandemic.
We are incredibly proud of all our staff who worked tirelessly through the pandemic and of our wonderful children who showed incredible resilience and determination to succeed.

KS2 Data 2019 (2022 scores for KS2 in brackets)


% Lothersdale children achieving National Expectations

% Lothersdale   children achieving Greater Depth

% children nationally achieving National Expectations % children nationally achieving Greater Depth
Reading 100% (100) 56% (67) 73% 27%
Writing 93.8% (93) 50% (20) 78% 20%
Maths 100% (93) 88% (40) 79% 27%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 100% (100) 69% (53) 78% 36%
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 93.8% (87) 50% (20) 65% 11%

Average Scaled Scores:

Reading - 109.1 (104 Nationally) (110)

Maths - 113.3 (105 Nationally) (108)

GPS - 112.2 (106 Nationally) (110)

Progress Measures:

Reading ~  + 2.0 (+5.4)

Writing ~    + 1.8 ) (+3.4)

Maths ~     + 6.2 (+4.6)

KS1 Data 2019

  % Lothersdale children achieving National Expectations % of Lothersdale children achieving Greater Depth % children nationally achieving National Expectations 2018 % children Nationally achieving Greater Depth 2018
Reading 87.5% 25% 70% 26%
Writing 81.3% 25% 76% 16%
Maths 87.5% 18.8% 83% 22%
Reading, Writing & Maths combined 81.3% 12.5% not available not available


Year 1 Phonics Screening 2019

In 2019, 100% of children at Lothersdale School passed the Year 1 Phonic Screening test compared to 82% nationally (2018). Therefore the school continues to achieve well above the national average.
EYFS Data 2019

66.7% of children achieved a Good Level of Development by the end of EYFS which is above the national average figure of 62.4% (2018).