

After the best night's sleep so far, the children are just starting to wake up and get themselves washed and dressed at 7:45am.

It's Nancy's birthday today so hopefully she'll have a really special, memorable day with all her Lothersdale friends ~ Happy Birthday Nancy!

Sandwich making and breakfast, shortly after 8am, will be followed by everyone getting 'togged up' ready for a full day out walking!

More news to follow..........

We are definitely 'Lucky Lothersdale' today - the weather has been amazing and absolutely perfect for our day out hill-walking. The ascent to the top of Carver Hill was beautiful, and the views from the top were breathtaking. Everybody was on top form and enjoyed eating their pack-ups, outside on the hill-side with extra treats from Nancy's mum for everyone to share for her birthday.

In total we walked 9 miles, not arriving back at Marrick until 5pm. It was a great adventure and the leaders were really impressed with the whole group, saying that it's the furthest they've walked with a group before!

The amazing cooks here had just the right meal waiting for us when we returned - fruit juice for starters, with roast chicken, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and vegetables for mains and then birthday cake for dessert!

but........................ there's always room for ice cream and everyone's thoroughly enjoyed visiting the ice cream parlour this evening.

It really won't be late to bed tonight !!!

All the staff are really proud of the children and how they've kept going today - what an achievement!

We're having a wonderful time and wishing it wasn't coming to a end, but we're looking forward to seeing everyone back at Lothersdale tomorrow afternoon.

Sending lots of love and hugs home,

From the Marvellous Marrick gang xxx
